Having a different view can really help with how we interact with the day to day.
Start with doing something different. Break off the habitual patterns.
Figure out who we are through our failures and mistakes.
What is the balance in our daily life?
What kind of life do we like to lead?
Why do we do what we do?
With the right understanding, it is simple to make progress and be happy and fulfilled. But of course there are other conditions or habitual patterns that get in our way.
Theme #1: If we chase the wrong reasons, if we chase for what we think we need, then we feel burned out and frustrated doing so.
Our ultimate goal should be to be happy, fulfilled, having peace of mind, and being in a state of elevated emotions such as gratitude, happiness, joy, and inner-peace.
Theme #2: Replace negative and unhealthy behavior with positive and healthy ones
*this one really works* but it could be one of the hardest to follow and implement.
We are drawn to do things that hurt us because we enjoy the thrill or the gratification of getting something we think we need instantly. It is very easy to get sucked into whatever achievements, goals that we think we need to be in.
Theme #3: It is all okay, use all the lessons, failures, disappointments, use everything we don’t like as an opportunity for growth.
It could also be a bit of disconnected from the everyday life if we always say “ah, it’s okay, we are learning, let’s just go on”. A bit hard to have a good balance on this one.
If seeing ourselves too far away, then we are not being practical in the daily lives. Spiritual bypassing means that we make everything from a spiritual lens, in which “everything is okay, we are growing, over a long period of time”.
Theme #4: Still need to work on day to day, daily, weekly — worldly tasks, but don’t need to be so attached or so obsessed with our efforts and our results of our actions.
Having different perspective helps but need to still do the daily work.
Chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
Don’t negate the regular daily tasks that would help us. Also, keep in mind theme#2 and practicing replacing the unhealthy with healthy — thoughts, actions, and behaviors would help integrate all these themes together.